In Canada the citizens of a province own the majority of its natural resources. The government is the steward of the oil sands, responsible for ensuring that the owners receive maximum benefit from its development. The government allows companies to produce the oil and earn a fair return on their investment, while at the same time ensuring that a portion of the revenue from the sale of the oil is transferred to the citizens of Alberta.

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To mine the sands, wetlands need to be drained, rivers diverted and trees and vegetation stripped from the surface.

Alberta's Oil Sands Rush is upon us.

The nature of fossil fuel production has changed - the intensity of environmental and social impacts from oil sands development is significant and poised for huge growth.

Why should you care about this?

The simple fact is that irresponsible consumption of transportation fuel is rising so quickly, that even rapidly expanded oil sands developments will not be able to keep pace. Given the scale of impacts associated with the production of fuel from the oil sands, Albertans should be concerned with this inefficent use of its natural resource.

  • Mineable oil sands underlie 2,800 square kilometers of boreal forest in Alberta.

  • The boreal forest ecosystem is resilient but it can only withstand so much degradation before its ability to rebound is exceeded.

  • Environment Canada has warned that the development of the oil sands presents "staggering challenges for forest conservation and reclamation." The Athabasca oil sands deposit is situated wholly within what has been described as this 'global endowment'.

We need to gather the scientific information necessary to understand how the boreal ecosystem - its air, land and water - will react to the impacts imposed upon it.

By gaining this knowledge it is possible to proactively identify such things as how much water can be removed from the Athabasca River before fish populations are affected, how much boreal forest and wetlands can be destroyed before wildlife and biodiversity are lost, or how much the air quality can change before the ecosystem is stressed beyond it's capacity to restore itself.

The Pembina Institute is working hard to address the oil sands issue and to find sustainable, healthy energy solutions. Our report on the oil sands - Oil Sands Fever: The Environmental Implications of Canada's Oil Sands Rush - will address the consequences associated with the destruction of the boreal forest and one of our many recommendations is that the governments of Alberta and Canada:

Establish a conservation offset within the oil sands region by protecting an area of intact, high conservation value boreal forest that is representative of the region.

What can you do to address the environmental impacts of the oil sands?

Support the work of the Pembina Institute and receive the beniefits of a tax receipt, plus the satisfaction in knowing you are helping us save our boreal forests.

Your donation will help us reach our campaign goal - our campaign to address all of the environmental issues related to oil sands development, and, finding solutions for a healthy sustainable energy future.

How can we do that? By raising funds to continue our work. Please provide your gift to us by December 31st. Every donation is crucial to our success, so send in your donation today.

You may think...but I am only one person, what difference can I make? The Pembina Institute is your voice. With your support we are working for you and all Albertans. Your gift today will help us face the challenges and contribute towards the positive legacy desired by politicians, the oil industry and the public.

You are an important part of the solution and we thank you for your support. Enclosed please find our donation form or visit our website at to donate online.

Our website is a highly professional resource. Learn more about the Pembina Institute at or contact us at (403)269.3344 or email


Dr. Marlo Raynolds PhD,
Executive Director

Click here to donate!

P.S. We know firsthand how your donation can impact the environmental health of our province. I know that you care, as we do, about the ecosystems of our forests. So without waiting any longer, join us by providing a gift today and we guarantee we will use it wisely.

P.P.S. Our work has just begun, so if you wish to learn more about the Oils Sands, please let us know and when the primer report is complete, we can notify you by email. Don't forget to provide your email to us.

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