Oil Sands Watch | Pembina Institute


Contact Us

Simon Dyer, M.Sc., P.Biol. — Director, Oil Sands

• Phone: 403-721-3937
• Cell: 403-322-3937
Send an email to Simon Dyer

Simon Dyer is the Oil Sands Program Director at the Pembina Institute. Simon is a registered professional biologist and has worked on land-use issues in western Canada since 1999. Simon represented the Pembina Institute on the Sustainable Ecosystems Working Group of the Cumulative Environmental Management Association (CEMA). Simon holds a Master of Science in environmental biology and ecology from the University of Alberta, and a Master of Arts in natural sciences from Cambridge University. Simon is the co-author of Death by a Thousand Cuts: Impacts of In-situ Oil Sands Development on Alberta's Boreal Forest and Haste Makes Waste: The Need for a New Oil Sands Tenure Regime.

Terra Simieritsch, B.Sc. — Policy Analyst, Oil Sands

• Phone: 403-269-3344 ext. 102
Send an email to Terra Simieritsch

Terra Simieritsch is a Policy Analyst with the Pembina Institute’s Energy Solutions team. Her research focuses on the environmental implications of oil sands development, particularly on the topics of water and Aboriginal concerns. Terra has co-authored two Pembina Institute publications on trans-boundary issues in the oil sands, The Waters That Bind Us and Carbon Copy, as well as one report on the topic of conservation offsets, Catching Up. She has given many presentations to stakeholder groups on the implications of current and future oil sands development. Terra has a B.Sc. in environmental science from the University of Calgary and a diploma in forest technology from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.

Marc Huot, M.Sc., B.Sc., E.I.T — Policy Analyst, Oil Sands

• Phone: 780-485-9610 ext. 104
Send an email to Marc Huot

Marc Huot is a Policy Analyst with the Pembina Institute’s Oil Sands Program. Marc is involved with researching and reviewing environmental impacts associated with oil sands development. His technical background includes knowledge of renewable energy, life-cycle assessment methodology, and energy systems. Marc holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in mechanical engineering from the University of Alberta.

Nathan Lemphers, B.Sc., MCP — Policy Analyst, Oil Sands

• Phone: 403-269-3344 ext. 124
Send an email to Nathan Lemphers

Nathan Lemphers is an Oil Sands Policy Analyst at the Pembina Institute. Nathan has held internships with USGS and UNESCO and has previously worked internationally as a consultant for NGOs, municipal and state governments, as well as First Nations and industry clients. He also brings to Pembina experience as a biologist, environmental and youth educator.

Nathan holds a Masters of City Planning with a Certificate in Environmental Planning and Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he wrote his thesis on interface between the corporate environmental performance of three oil sands companies and Alberta's environmental policies. He also has a Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Conservation Sciences from the University of Alberta. Nathan was raised in Alberta. 


Roland Lines, B.Sc., B.J. — Communications Lead

• Phone: 780-485-9610 ext. 100
Send an email to Roland Lines

Roland is the Pembina Institute’s Communications Lead for Alberta. He primarily works with the Oil Sands and Alberta Energy Solutions teams. Roland joined the Pembina Institute in 2008, bringing with him 15 years of experience in editing, communications and cartography. He has been the editor of natural history field guides at Lone Pine Publishing, of geography and social studies textbooks at Duval House Publishing and of the University of Alberta alumni magazine. Roland has a Bachelor of Science in environmental biology from Yale University and a Bachelor of Journalism from the University of King’s College.